Flight Review- Biennial Review
The FAA requires every pilot to get training from a flight instructor every two years. This is now referred to as a flight review but the FAA did refer to them as a biennial review in the past. You can do them more often than every two years, buy you are required to do them at least every two years. We will discuss what type of flying you most commonly do before we begin and tailor your review to you. This is required to be 1 hour of ground and 1 hour of flying by the FAA. Most flight reviews are longer though so we usually plan on 3-4 hours. When it is completed, you will get a logbook endorsement indicating you are current again.
Commercial Pilot Training
The Commercial Pilot certificate requires 250 hours as pilot in command to be eligible. You basically are required to have commercial certificate before you can be compensated in any way for your piloting skills. There are new manuevers, another written exam and a practical test to get this certificate.